With The Blessing of Our Beloved Parents
Silvestre C. Maningo
Anacorita R. Maningo
Primo D. Tapangan
Gloria O. Tapangan

Would Love For You to Join Us On Our Special Day
Monday, December 18, 2017
10’oclock in the Morning
At Our Lady of Assumption Parish
Dauis, Bohol
Reception to follow at
Bohol Tropics Resort
Tagbilaran City, Bohol

To Bless and Bind Us in the Sanctity of Our Marriage
Bishop Alberto S. Uy
To Stand as the Principal Witnesses to Our Exchange of Vows
Ms. Maridel Tan
Mr.Vincent Tacocong Jr. |
Mrs.Isabel Tacocong |
Mr.Teogenes Tacocong |
Mrs.Cesaria Tacocong |
Mr.Jose Gica |
Mrs.Cecilia Abutan |
Mr.Exiquel Tapangan |
Mrs.Regina Tapangan |
Mr.Fidel Tapangan |
Mrs.Revelina Tapangan |
Mr.Roy Aquino |
Mrs.Rosario Aquino |
Mr.Larry Stair |
Ms.Emily Yap Castro |
Dr.Cris Bernard Abrea |
Mrs. Adelyne C. Abrea |
Mr.Samuel Octubre |
Mrs.Miguela Octubre |
Mr.Victor Lunday |
Mrs.Matea Lunday |